Natural Pain Relief

Natural Pain Relief Albany, OR
Natural pain relief is common practice among chiropractors. Chiropractic care involves non-surgical, non-medicinal treatments, such as chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression therapy, and laser therapy. The primary focus of chiropractic treatments is improving body function, alleviating pain and other symptoms, and helping patients learn to manage their condition without the use of medication or the need for surgery.
At Better Pain Solutions, we offer drug-free pain relief for patients in Albany and the surrounding area. Our team can assess your symptoms, diagnose your condition, and discuss our various natural pain relief options. To learn more about a procedure or schedule an appointment, call (541) 249-7317 today.
Natural Pain Relief Q&A
Some chiropractic techniques can result in a cracking or popping sound. When the joint tissues are slightly stretched, tiny pockets of air that have built up between the joints are released. These pockets of air sometimes "pop," which creates the cracking sound that occurs. Patients may notice a greater range of motion in their back afterward because this release of air helps reduce pressure on the spine.
Chiropractic treatment can help treat a variety of conditions, such as Arthritis, frequent headaches, healing after an accident or whiplash, joint pain and dysfunction, lower back pain, neck pain, Sciatica, and stiff muscles or muscle aches. The most signifying symptom of a musculoskeletal condition is pain. Natural pain relief by a chiropractor not only relieves pain but helps alleviate other symptoms as well, such as inflammation, tension, and spasms.
Chiropractors do not prescribe medication. They rely on the body's natural healing abilities and typically recommend approaches such as ice, moist heat, stretching, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to relieve pain or restore range of motion. In some cases, they may work with another health care professional for severe cases where medication or other treatments are needed.
Non-surgical back pain treatment is a type of chiropractic treatment that does not require medical surgery, this can include a chiropractic adjustment, spinal manipulation, spinal mobilization, hydrotherapy, and more. We can help diagnose the cause of your back pain and recommend the appropriate treatment.