Migraine Treatment

Migraine Treatment Albany, OR
Chiropractors can provide migraine treatment to help patients manage and reduce the pain. Patients who struggle with migraines know all too well how they can derail a day. Though there is no cure for migraines, a chiropractor can help patients find relief from these debilitating headaches.
Migraines can strike people of all ages. If you or someone close to you suffers from migraines, help is available at Better Pain Solutions in Albany and the surrounding area. Call our office at (541) 249-7317 to schedule an appointment.
Migraine Treatment Q&A
Migraine headaches are far from average headaches, and people are often surprised by how serious and widespread they are. They are considered primary headaches because a particular condition does not cause them. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), migraines are the 6th highest cause globally of years lost due to disability. In addition, migraines lead to many emergency room visits and countless hours of lost productivity each year.
One key element that sets migraines apart from other headaches is their ability to incapacitate the person completely. The typical migraine involves intense throbbing or pounding on the side of the head that worsens the more a person tries to be active, is exposed to light and certain sounds and smells. Many people report accompanying neck pain, nausea, and vomiting. Other migraine symptoms include but are not limited to:
- Depression or anxiety
- Dizziness and blurred vision
- Insomnia
- Nasal congestion
- Pale skin
- Sweating or chills
- Tender scalp
Migraine pain can shift from one side of the head to the other and may even encompass the entire head. They can last a few hours or several days.
What causes migraines is not completely understood, but the current understanding is chemicals, such as serotonin and estrogen, play a role. When serotonin and estrogen levels change, the result for some individuals is a migraine. One theory is that migraine pain results from excitable brain cells that trigger serotonin to narrow the blood vessels. Also, some research suggests that the rise and fall of estrogen levels in women cause the narrowing of blood vessels.
Migraine triggers vary by person and can be behavioral, environmental, and dietary. For example, many people report that strong smells trigger their migraines, while others find that bright lights and sounds are the main triggers. Others say weather changes bring about migraines. Behavioral factors include the overuse of pain medication and excess exercise. Dietary triggers are numerous and include cheese, salami, fermented, cured, and pickled foods along with alcohol and caffeine. Stress and lack of sleep are frequently reported triggers, along with hunger and dehydration.
There is still much research to be done on this topic, but preliminary research seems positive. Many people turn to chiropractors every year for help with migraines and report they are satisfied with the results. A recent national cross-sectional survey showed a large proportion of chiropractors reported high migraine caseloads, and migraine headaches are one of the most common headache types chiropractors manage.
There are so many medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, used to treat migraines. A common complaint about over-the-counter NSAIDs for migraines is that they can end up making headaches worse in the end due to overuse. Prescription drugs, such as narcotics used to treat migraine pain, carry a high risk for addiction. In addition, side effects, including nausea, sleepiness, fatigue, racing heart, dizziness, and trouble thinking, have been cited as undesired side effects of migraine medication.
Migraine pain can get so bad at times that it might make a person wonder, “Hey, is this causing brain damage?” We can certainly understand the concern. However, rest assured that though it may feel like it, migraines do not cause brain damage even when they are very severe.