Knee Pain Treatment

Knee Pain Treatment Albany, OR
The knee consists of many components, making it highly susceptible to injury. Seeking professional treatment can greatly reduce pain and other symptoms while improving mobility, strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Common knee injuries include sprains, ligament tears, fractures, and dislocations. However, knee pain can arise from various health conditions and injuries, simple overuse, or incorrect movement.
At Better Pain Solutions, we offer knee pain treatments for patients who have undergone an injury or have an ongoing health condition. Our team can help you get back on your feet and learn to manage any pain and symptoms at home. To learn more about a procedure or schedule an appointment, call (541) 249-7317 today.
Knee Pain Treatment Q&A
Knee injuries that we see in our office are characterized in a few ways:
- Ligament tears (e.g. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear and Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) tear). These can tear from partially to completely during a sudden instance of twisting the knee.
- Meniscus injury can occur with a ligament tear, 64% – 77% of the time.
- Articular cartilage lesions (bone bruises) can also occur 70 – 92% of the time alongside a ligament tear.
- Pain from inflammation (e.g., arthritis, tendinitis), degeneration (e.g., Runner’s Knee), and overuse.
We pay special attention to sudden (acute) knee injuries that occur in sports that require quick changes of direction (pivoting or twisting of the knees), such as soccer, volleyball, football, and tennis. Patients who experience a tear or lesion occur and are unsure whether it can heal on its own or if they may need surgery should seek immediate medical attention. Patients who have already decided on surgery but want to regain range of motion and confidence in their knee may also benefit from knee treatments.
The most common causes of knee pain include aging, injury, and repeated undue stress or pressure on the knee. Continual wear and tear on the knee can cause arthritis, a condition in which the cartilage in the joint gradually wears down. Other knee problems result from accidents, injuries, and sudden incorrect knee movement, such as standing up quickly, kicking a ball, and suddenly twisting the knee.
To properly identify the cause and provide adequate treatment, we will conduct a diagnosis that includes imaging and tests. In addition to a complete medical history and physical exam, the patient will likely need X-rays, an MRI, a CT or CAT scan, an arthroscopy, or a radionuclide bone scan. These tests will also help determine the type of treatment a patient can receive to avoid additional stress or injury to the knee.
Knee pain can be treated and managed through various treatments, including prolotherapy, PRP treatments, and hyaluronic acid injection treatments.
Prolotherapy is a noninvasive procedure that involves injecting a natural irritant into the soft tissue of an injured joint, thereby triggering the body's healing process. Once the irritant has activated the body's healing response, the damaged ligaments in the joint will gradually begin to strengthen and repair themselves. This helps stabilize the joint and alleviates any pain.
Prolotherapy is also known as non-surgical ligament and tendon reconstruction or regenerative joint injection. Types of prolotherapy include dextrose prolotherapy, hyaluronic acid injection treatment, sucrose prolotherapy, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment. Most patients typically require anywhere from four to 15 shots per session for several sessions over the course of three to six months.
PRP Treatment
Plasma makes up the blood's liquid part, mostly containing protein and water. However, it is also rich in red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and hundreds of growth factors. Plasma is also essential in healing in that it is essential for blood clotting. Due to all these benefits, researchers have been exploring the role of PRP treatment in knee pain treatment (particularly in regard to osteoarthritis).
It is widely believed that the growth factors in PRP treatment can help tissues repair themselves by triggering cell generation — thus reversing any existing tissue damage. According to a 2017 review published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, PRP treatment significantly reduced participants’ osteoarthritis pain while also greatly improving their physical function.
Hyaluronic Acid Injection Treatment
Also known as viscosupplementation, hyaluronic acid injection treatment is especially useful for patients with knee osteoarthritis (or degenerative joint disease). Osteoarthritis causes the body's natural supply of hyaluronic acid to thin, removing the fluid that cushions and lubricates the joints. Hyaluronic acid injection treatment can reverse this process.
Some patients benefit more from hyaluronic acid injection treatment than others. It is typically most effective for younger patients and those with mild to moderate osteoarthritis. However, studies have shown that hyaluronic acid injections may be more effective than painkillers and just as effective as corticosteroid knee injections for some people with osteoarthritis.
A person who is looking for a chiropractor to help them manage a medical condition or stay on top of their preventive care has a variety of ways to launch a search. People can locate chiropractors in the following ways:
- Reading online reviews
- Searching online for a “Chiropractor Near Me”
- Via word of mouth
These search methods can all help a person identify a chiropractor who is within their local community. Additionally, they can help a person locate a professional who is excellent at providing chiropractic care. By reading reviews online and viewing the practice’s website, patients can gain more insight into the available services and overall experience. By calling a practice, patients can also determine if the practice will provide the proper care they need.
Knee pain usually indicates an injury or health condition. Injuries could include a ruptured or torn ligament, cartilage, or fractured bone. Health conditions affecting the knee include arthritis, gout, and infections. Knee pain can also result from excessive use or improper movements.
Weight control and flexibility are highly important in keeping the knees in good shape. That means controlling how much weight, stress, and pressure are put on the knee, especially when lifting or playing active sports. It is a good idea to keep a maintenance routine. Anyone experiencing any pain should seek immediate care as a preventative measure for more serious issues.