How a Chiropractor Can Treat Muscle Pain

A chiropractor can help you get past muscle pain. Chiropractic therapy is typically associated with joints, bones, and discs, but it can also be used to treat the muscles and other soft tissues surrounding the joints.
Chiropractic therapy involves using a holistic approach to treating the body. Problems that affect joints and discs in one part of the body can lead to symptoms like pain and soreness in other parts of your body, including your muscles.
How a chiropractor addresses muscle pain
A chiropractor carefully assesses their patients to determine the cause of their muscle pain and how it affects them daily. They might recommend various physiotherapeutic muscle treatments or chiropractic adjustments to treat the pain.
Muscle pain and knots are often caused by restrictions in the body and joint dysfunction. There is no way to resolve the pain until the underlying cause is addressed permanently. Treatments like massages can be used to manage the pain caused by the problem.
If alignment issues cause a person’s joint pain in their spine or other joints, a chiropractor can remove the restriction with chiropractic adjustments. Once any joint dysfunction has been addressed, the chiropractor starts working on the knot causing the pain.
How muscle therapy works
Chiropractic muscle therapy involves various treatments that are used to manipulate muscles and other soft tissues. These treatments help improve a patient’s overall health and resolve muscle pain. Examples of treatments used for muscle therapy include applying pressure to, moving, holding, and kneading the fascia, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.
Physiotherapeutic muscle treatments like dry needling, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and massages are used to alleviate symptoms related to pain caused by delayed onset muscle soreness, fascia restriction, muscle spasms, and soft tissue injuries. They can also be used to manage subacute and chronic back pain. Muscle therapy restores movement and function, enabling patients to get back to their normal activities.
Chiropractors typically combine chiropractic care with muscle therapy to give their patients optimal results. The body is made up of interconnected systems, so resolving problems in one part of the body typically helps with symptoms experienced in the other parts. A chiropractor treats the patient’s body as one connected system, with each treatment complementing the others.
For example, a chiropractor might use muscle therapy to reduce tension in soft tissues, which makes chiropractic adjustments more effective. Tight muscles are a cause of misaligned joints. Likewise, chiropractic adjustments make muscle therapy more effective. These treatments relax deep soft tissues, making muscle therapy more effective.
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